How Many Jobs Are Available in Technology?

If you're looking to enter the technology industry, there are several things to consider. For one thing, the job market is hot. It's expected to remain that way, and salaries have been rising in recent years. However, you should also consider the skills needed to be successful in this field.


Job growth

A strong labor market can make hiring more difficult for employers, but the tech sector has seen job growth in the last few months. Employment in tech companies increased by more than 128,000 last month, marking the fourteenth consecutive month of job growth. The IT industry, as measured by CompTIA, contributed to a nationwide increase of 467,000 jobs in January. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate for tech workers fell to 1.7%, from 2.1% in December 2021.


The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) does not track job growth in the tech industry directly, instead using "information sector" to measure growth. Although technology is not an industry in and of itself, it is a key component of many industries. In July, the BLS reported that the three occupation categories that grew the fastest were computer and electronic products manufacturing, IT services, and custom software development. In contrast, the growth rate for other occupation categories was flat. Meanwhile, telecom-related occupations saw a decline in job growth.

The data also showed that the number of technology jobs posted in major metropolitan areas exceeded 10,000. However, job growth in major metropolitan areas was not the same in all areas. Lansing, Michigan, for example, ranked third nationally for job posting growth, while Denver and Madison, Wisconsin, saw only marginal growth. Job growth in remote areas is continuing to increase, and is a great way to avoid the intense competition in the major tech hubs.

In 2022, Handshake predicts that the technology industry will create a total of 9 million jobs. This will be more than twice as many full-time jobs in 2022 than in 2021. In addition, the job creation rate in the manufacturing sector is projected to increase by 29.9% YoY, which is more than double what it is in 2015.



The highest-paying jobs in the technology industry are IT managers, cloud engineers, and cybersecurity specialists. According to a new report from Dice, the average technology professional salary in the United States will reach $104,566 in 2021. This represents a significant rise over last year's average of $82,047. However, nearly half of tech professionals feel underpaid.

A recent report from CompTIA, the trade association for technology and information, said that tech jobs grew in ten of the last 12 months. It said tech firms would hire 80,000 more people in the US through the first half of 2021. Alphabet, the parent company of Google, added 4,000 employees in the second quarter alone. There are currently over 300,000 technology job postings in the US. According to the report, software developers, app developers, IT-support specialists, project managers, and systems engineers were in high demand. More than a quarter of open positions were in emerging tech fields.

While the number of tech jobs is expected to grow by 12% between now and 2028, some positions will grow as much as 32%. Technology careers are ideal for people with a passion for technology and an aptitude for networks and computer operations. In addition, the field is constantly evolving and new technology is emerging every day.

Salaries for technology jobs vary widely. In some cases, the wages are much higher than those of other occupations. Senior engineers earn up to $480,000 annually.


The locations of technology jobs are changing. While most tech jobs have been created in major metro areas, rural areas are also gaining popularity. Currently, the San Francisco Controller's Office reports that around 20% of technology jobs are located outside the city. By 2020, more technology jobs are expected to be located outside of the San Francisco metro area than in it.

For example, Virginia is the top tech state with 5.6 percent of workers employed in computer and math jobs. The state is also home to tech giants Microsoft and Amazon. Massachusetts and Colorado are next on the list. For more information, see the CompTIA Tech Town Index. Besides the number of tech jobs in a state, the index also looks at factors such as real wages, cost of living, and opportunities for remote workers.

Silicon Valley, California is home to many high-tech startups, but other U.S. cities are also thriving as technology centers. Professionals interested in relocating to a different city should consider factors such as the cost of living and the average tech salary in the area. For example, Atlanta has long been the business capital of the Southern states, and its recent growth in the tech industry has made the city a strong IT center.

The BLS job map can be useful for IT professionals, remote workers, and recruiters looking for talent. But the map's limitations are its lack of interactiveness and limited statistics. While it's easy to use, it's not the most comprehensive map available. Other maps use job postings to determine tech job locations, and often leave out vital areas.

Skills needed

If you want a career in technology, you should learn about the skills needed to get there. This field is rapidly changing and the skills required are becoming more complex. As a result, it's becoming increasingly difficult for hiring managers to use educational backgrounds alone to evaluate candidates. Here's a quick rundown of skills that will help you get ahead.

One of the most important skills needed for many jobs in this field is the ability to communicate effectively. This involves knowing how to explain complicated technology and translating it to a non-technical audience. It's also necessary to adapt the tone of your voice to match the audience. Using visual aids, analogies, and everyday language can help you explain complicated concepts to a wider audience.

IT is a rapidly changing field that offers a wide variety of career options. From database development to general technical support, you can earn your way in the field. As technology advances, employers are increasingly looking for specialized employees who have particular skill sets. In addition to technical abilities, you should also be able to work in teams and build effective relationships. According to CompTIA, teamwork is the most important soft skill needed for technology jobs.

The skills you develop in these areas are critical to succeed in a tech career. While hard skills, such as programming and design savvy, can help get you into the door, soft skills will make you stand out in the crowd and make you a high performer. In fact, research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation, and the Stanford Research Center has shown that those who learn soft skills are more likely to be successful in their careers.

Moreover, many companies have found that collaboration between community colleges and companies can be a great boon. The National Science Foundation's advanced technology education program has launched 200 partnerships in five years. But it's important to remember that private employers shouldn't have too much say in what's taught in public schools.


In the third quarter of 2021, technology jobs were the most popular types of job advertisements, accounting for nearly 19% of all hiring ads. This is up from just over 10% in the same quarter in 2020. This upward trend can be attributed to the growing importance of technology in businesses of all sizes and industries.

The growth of remote jobs in technology is driving the demand for skilled workers with remote management and collaboration skills. Despite the popularity of working at home, companies are still choosing to invest in campus-based workspaces. Remote work provides a flexible working environment, but can also bring complications. Technology will always drive change in the workforce, and the current generation is more open to it. Many employees are actively seeking to use new technologies.

Amazon is hiring more tech professionals than other tech giants, according to Deloitte's Tech Trends of 2019. The company is also bucking the recent trend of remote employment. While it's still hiring in traditional tech hubs, Amazon is looking outside of the emerging tech scene to recruit candidates.

IT employment is on the rise, and the job market for technology professionals is increasing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of technology-related jobs will increase by 12 percent by 2028. IT professionals will be in demand in all industries and will enjoy above-average salaries. Indeed, many IT specialists will earn five to ten times as much as their counterparts in other industries.

As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, the skills that were in demand last year may not be as valuable as those needed now. This means that it is vital for employees to continue to upskill throughout their career. One of the biggest trends in technology has been the rapid development of automation. It allows workers to focus on more complex work.

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